Sunday, October 31, 2010

October's End

Means Happy Birthday to our baby Ryan on the 29th and Happy Halloween! The last year has gone incredibly fast and everyone assures me time only moves faster as you go, so I can't imagine the next few years! Ryan has become such a wonderful part of our family, with his easy smile and giggles, and it looks like he may give his brother a run for his money...should be interesting! And our boys LOVED being dragons for Halloween- a BIG thank-you to Grandma Diane for making Sam's elaborate costume- he LOVED it!! And thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating with us yesterday- video and more pics to follow- I'm only posting this much now because I'm waiting for the washer to quit... :)

My little thumb-sucker...right from the beginning!

He's grown so fast!

Peas in a pod...

(I think I figured out my layout issues, so the next post should make more sense...)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Autumn!

Even though it's been unseasonably warm this last week, we are getting into the fall spirit around our house- including Apple Pies! Ryan grows and amazes us daily and Sam is too smart, learning to recognize letters and sounds- daddy said he read 'cat' the other day, and I believe it! Always something new, we are in for a ride!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My big boy! (4 prev posts this weekend)

Finally caved in to peer pressure and trimmed Ryan's hair. I hope you're all happy- this mother's heart is slightly broken...tear...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quarry Quest! (and three other new posts)

Sam LOVED all the big trucks and diggers and dirt! Thanks Boppa and Gatfly!

Fun at the Farm

My camera memory card was full when I got to the farm- got a few pics of Mara and Family, but see their Blog and Gatfly's for more!

Running of the Llamas!

I've been bugging Scott the last couple of years to go watch the Running of the Llamas in Hammond (next little town over)...needless to say I am done bugging him about this...

Family Fun and Door County!