Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Door County

When we went to Algoma a couple weekends ago, we got the chance to get together with Grandpa Roger's sisters and a couple of Scott's cousins- including Rita who was in a very bad car crash two years ago and is doing very well! This was Sam's first time meeting his Daddy's cousins Rita and Luke (aka "Dude"...Sam and I have been working on being able to say Dude and Luke just seemed to be a good example of a "Dude"). We got to spend part of the afternoon with Sam's Great Aunt Myrna (Rita's mom) and Great Aunt Ruthie and Great Uncle Paul at Ruthie and Paul's camper in Door County. It was wonderful to see them all, but it makes me giggle that it takes all of us going all the way across Wisconsin to get together! Great to see them though!! And looking forward to seeing them again at Christmas!!

Tired boy- If I nap I may miss something!!! (He slept the WHOLE way there!)

Faster Rita!

Sam does love this pink leash!

Maybe you should let ME drive!

Missing Eric, David and Grant (and Great Grandma Ellie!) We'll have to get a more complete picture at Christmas!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Time Flies!

What does the world look like from this angle?

Dad, are you sure he's OK? (neighbor boy Jackson)

Is this an attempt at a hug, or going for two-for-the-takedown?

Don't even try to get between me and my Momma!

Grandpa and Sam both survived quite well. Thanks Grandpa!

Tangible proof of the alleged top tooth...

Time got away from us here- that little man has been keeping us hopping! Between the walking/running and the teething, life has been a little hectic these last couple of weeks! All is well, Momma and Daddy are learning new patience and techniques daily for dealing the the assertion of Sam's independence (AKA temper tantrums...). He is his own little person! Let's see, lots has happened; Roger helped out with Grandpa Daycare when our daycare gal's son was sick. We went to Algoma and were able to spend some time with Roger's sisters and a couple of Scott's cousins. We've been watching the Olympics...I'm addicted! No sarcasm there Gramma! We're enjoying some outside time- Sam's a riot to watch walking barefoot on the grass. We've also been enjoying visiting with the neighbors and comparing notes on our boys!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It speaks for itself...

It started with walking with the push toy that Great Grandma Ele gave to Sam for his Birthday and ended with independent walking between the ottoman (where the cat was) to Momma! Sam and I also went to the Weness Farm to visit Jaime and Nate- I bet they're glad he waited another day to start walking!! Fun has begun... Contemplating the farm at Nate and Jaime's I love Auntie Jaime! "Walking" with Gatfly... Getting closer...