Monday, December 31, 2007

More Thomas Pictures!

Sorry for those who don't know Josh and Debora, but I'm VERY excited to be an Auntie!!!

This last picture is Cibele and Neusa, Debora's sister and mother.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Nephew!!!

Sally's brother Josh and his wife Debora welcomed Thomas Costa Bacon to their family on December 28th at 1:59pm! He measured in at 7lbs 5 1/2oz and 19 1/2in and both baby and mom are doing GREAT! We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet the little guy! And Sam is super pumped to meet his new cousin!! Scott and I are thinking that instead of calling them Sammy and Tommy when they're together we'll call them Sammas and Tomuel... :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!! We had an awesome Christmas! Thanks to all who helped make Sam's first Chrismtas so wonderful, and sorry to those we weren't able to see. Sam ran out of Christmas cheer due to teething- all he wants for Christmas is his first front tooth, and it can't come too soon! We'll keep you posted. Some of our favorite memories...well many of them are pictured, but one we didn't catch on film was at the Christmas Eve service at church- actually two. The pastor's daughter was singing a beautiful solo, and our dear son wanted to make it a duet, going especially for the high notes, and threw an absolute fit when Momma tried to hush him (he later spewed on the soloist to add insult to injury when I offered she could hold him). The most precious though was when I brought him back in for the candle-light portion of the service- I can't describe the precious look on his face as we sang and were surrounded by the candle-light glow. That's Christmas to me!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Saturday, December 8, 2007


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving (scroll down for Baptism)

Well, we had an eventful Thanksgiving! We were busy getting ready for company, then had a lovely time at Grandma Palmberg's. I started feeling a little run-down before Sam and I headed for home, but figured it was stress and a long day...long story short I ended up in the hospital for a little over 24 hours for IV anti-biotics; I'm totally fine now, it was just not exactly what any of us had planned! Luckily (for me, not them...) Mara and Mike were up from Missouri and were able to help with Sam and keep me from going crazy in the hospital until Scott got back from deer camp (nope, no deer this year). A BIG thank you to them for all they did!! It all worked out well and M & M got to spend some bonding time with us before the baptism and before they headed back to Missouri for Mara's new quarter of school to start. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and were able to enjoy family time like we did!


Sam's Baptism was held today, and couldn't have been better! He behaved so well- he actually slept through the whole baptism- was up before and after entertaining us though. Thank you so much to all of you who travelled, and to Diane and Roger and Eric for all their help getting things set up and coordinated- it made for a VERY enjoyable day for us!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nothin' new...

Thought it was time for some more pictures...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Official Numbers

Well we've had some varying weights over the last few weeks, but Sam's official naked-on-the-scale weight at his four month appointment was 16 pounds 1 ounce (75th percentile), he was 25 inches long (50th percentile) and his head is a whopping 44 1/2 centimeters around- the 95th percentile!!! So it's not our imagination, he really does have a big ol' melon! He's very healthy and the doctor couldn't believe how strong he is! The nurse thought he should be a poster boy- so cute with his little rosy cheeks!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween and the Weekend

Sam had fun helping us hand out candy to Trick-or-Treaters, though he didn't want to keep his costume on very long! I should explain the picture of "Jayvid and Sam." Jayvid's parents (Kristin and Jimmy) took the birthing class at the hospital with us, and it turned out they had Jayvid a day before we had Sam, so we got to know eachother a little in the hospital. It was interesting to compare notes and stats on the boys: Jayvid weighed in at 16lbs 8oz, Sam at 16lbs 4oz- so a day diffence = 4ounces... :-) Did you guess who's pumpkin is which? Sam's is on top (Daddy helped carve it), then Momma's, then Daddy's on the bottom. We had about 20 kids come by, not as many as last year, so Momma and Daddy are still eating Tootsie Rolls...Hope you all had a good Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hee hee

The picture's not too good, but we love the audio!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I know it's not Halloween yet, but...

Somebody got bit with the Halloween bug this weekend...

And had a little fun with the little man...

Daddy and I carved pumpkins today- he says we can't light them until Halloween, so you'll have to wait for pictures!!!

Here he's practicing his superman pose (with daddy's help...).

Friday, October 26, 2007

Did I do that?

Hmm...when I laid him down yesterday evening he was completely the opposite direction...I wonder what he dreams of?!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rollin' Over!!!

At 7pm tonight, Sam rolled over for the first time!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007


We spent the weekend at the farm. Sally and Sam got to spend some time with the family and Scott got to go hunting! Any guesses on how much the 'little' man weighs?...fully clothed and with the diaper...16.5-17 pounds!!! No wonder my back has been going out!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tummy-time fun!

We had a nice quiet weekend. Hard to believe that one year ago we were married!
Sam gets more amusing every day- talking up a storm...we'll have to post a video of it soon- it's hilarious.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Many Faces of Sam!

Sorry if you're not as endlessly fascinated with our little guy as I am!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Nothing new- just thought we'd post some more pictures!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Three Months?!

Wow! Sam is three months old! He is doing VERY well- sleeping through the night most nights, and he's on a pretty regular schedule at daycare of sleep eat poop...sometimes opposite order...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Auntie Mara!

Sam's sending you big hugs and slobbery kisses!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I had a better video of the swimming, but it was a REALLY big file, so here's the abbreviated version.

Time is flying!

Wow- we can hardly believe it's been almost 12 weeks since Sam's arrival! Life is so different, yet it's so natural that this is how it should be. We've settled into a routine with work and daycare- would like to shift the routine 15 minutes earlier, but we'll get there! Sam went to his second wedding this weekend and had a visit from the Grandparents Bacon. We had a lovely time at Pine Lake (about 5 miles north of us in Baldwin) and Hunter enojoyed some water time while Sam enjoyed the wind on his toes (enjoyed for a while anyway!).

Monday, September 17, 2007



Sunday, September 16, 2007

Meeting more family!

Having some trouble getting the pictures to post...Thought I'd include a picture of his feet...they look a lot better than his first few weeks! Scott's Aunt Tammy and Uncle Denny (Diane's brother) and their kids Hannah and Zach came to visit yesterday and meet Sam- pretty sure they're in love- even Zach who affectionately referred to Sam as "it." Teenage boys! Hannah was a natural though~ Sam took right to her and Tammy! The picture titled "Family Resemblance" I think Sam is the spitting image of his cousin Erik...maybe my imagination. Scott heads out of town tomorrow for a couple of days for work and training near we're on our own! Should be interesting, but we'll make it!