Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving (scroll down for Baptism)

Well, we had an eventful Thanksgiving! We were busy getting ready for company, then had a lovely time at Grandma Palmberg's. I started feeling a little run-down before Sam and I headed for home, but figured it was stress and a long day...long story short I ended up in the hospital for a little over 24 hours for IV anti-biotics; I'm totally fine now, it was just not exactly what any of us had planned! Luckily (for me, not them...) Mara and Mike were up from Missouri and were able to help with Sam and keep me from going crazy in the hospital until Scott got back from deer camp (nope, no deer this year). A BIG thank you to them for all they did!! It all worked out well and M & M got to spend some bonding time with us before the baptism and before they headed back to Missouri for Mara's new quarter of school to start. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and were able to enjoy family time like we did!


Sam's Baptism was held today, and couldn't have been better! He behaved so well- he actually slept through the whole baptism- was up before and after entertaining us though. Thank you so much to all of you who travelled, and to Diane and Roger and Eric for all their help getting things set up and coordinated- it made for a VERY enjoyable day for us!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nothin' new...

Thought it was time for some more pictures...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Official Numbers

Well we've had some varying weights over the last few weeks, but Sam's official naked-on-the-scale weight at his four month appointment was 16 pounds 1 ounce (75th percentile), he was 25 inches long (50th percentile) and his head is a whopping 44 1/2 centimeters around- the 95th percentile!!! So it's not our imagination, he really does have a big ol' melon! He's very healthy and the doctor couldn't believe how strong he is! The nurse thought he should be a poster boy- so cute with his little rosy cheeks!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween and the Weekend

Sam had fun helping us hand out candy to Trick-or-Treaters, though he didn't want to keep his costume on very long! I should explain the picture of "Jayvid and Sam." Jayvid's parents (Kristin and Jimmy) took the birthing class at the hospital with us, and it turned out they had Jayvid a day before we had Sam, so we got to know eachother a little in the hospital. It was interesting to compare notes and stats on the boys: Jayvid weighed in at 16lbs 8oz, Sam at 16lbs 4oz- so a day diffence = 4ounces... :-) Did you guess who's pumpkin is which? Sam's is on top (Daddy helped carve it), then Momma's, then Daddy's on the bottom. We had about 20 kids come by, not as many as last year, so Momma and Daddy are still eating Tootsie Rolls...Hope you all had a good Halloween!