Monday, December 31, 2007

More Thomas Pictures!

Sorry for those who don't know Josh and Debora, but I'm VERY excited to be an Auntie!!!

This last picture is Cibele and Neusa, Debora's sister and mother.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Nephew!!!

Sally's brother Josh and his wife Debora welcomed Thomas Costa Bacon to their family on December 28th at 1:59pm! He measured in at 7lbs 5 1/2oz and 19 1/2in and both baby and mom are doing GREAT! We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet the little guy! And Sam is super pumped to meet his new cousin!! Scott and I are thinking that instead of calling them Sammy and Tommy when they're together we'll call them Sammas and Tomuel... :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!! We had an awesome Christmas! Thanks to all who helped make Sam's first Chrismtas so wonderful, and sorry to those we weren't able to see. Sam ran out of Christmas cheer due to teething- all he wants for Christmas is his first front tooth, and it can't come too soon! We'll keep you posted. Some of our favorite memories...well many of them are pictured, but one we didn't catch on film was at the Christmas Eve service at church- actually two. The pastor's daughter was singing a beautiful solo, and our dear son wanted to make it a duet, going especially for the high notes, and threw an absolute fit when Momma tried to hush him (he later spewed on the soloist to add insult to injury when I offered she could hold him). The most precious though was when I brought him back in for the candle-light portion of the service- I can't describe the precious look on his face as we sang and were surrounded by the candle-light glow. That's Christmas to me!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Saturday, December 8, 2007


Saturday, December 1, 2007