Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend Review

Well, a little beyond the weekend too...Sam's "Uncle Milly" came over on Thursday to help finish mudding the wall, and of course Sam helped too! He is going to be SO sad when this project is over (we'll have to start brainstorming our next project...for Sam...). Saturday was pretty mellow, cleaning up around the house and grocery shopping. Sunday we went to church and got the little girl sitting in the pew ahead of us in trouble- she was sharing toys so nice with Sam, but got a little noisy when we were praying...great distraction for Sam though!! Then it was a rousing trip to Target and back home to nap. We're trying to maybe transition to an afternoon nap instead of morning and occasional afternoon...we'll see. Then this evening Sam helped Momma make some chocolate chip cookies- he does love to help! Now we're just watching cars drive in circles- Sam thinks it's hilarious, but I haven't been able to catch his reaction in a video...

I'm a very good helper...

Like this?

Can never be sure when I'll need to measure something (Look close and you can see his little measuring tape from G&G Bacon)

Kicking back and enjoying a beautiful Saturday.

Waiting so patiently- he was perched on his little stool watching the cookies bake.

Feeling less patient...

You may not be able to see it but he is actually DROOLING for these cookies!

Enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rewind...Children's Museum!

Earlier this month when Scott and his dad went snow-mobiling up North Grandma Diane took Sam and me to the Children's Museum in St Paul. We had a blast but underestimated how much it would wear us out (especially Grandma post-knee replacement surgery!). Sam ran NON-STOP and especially enjoyed the Habitot Area (different ramps and slides and area to RUN) and the Ball-o-Rama room where there was a section for the little ones in a netted enclosure were they could throw and roll balls of different sizes and textures- Sam was running around throwing balls and yelling TOUCHDOWN!! What was funny to Grandma and me was that with Sam's first experience in the Skyways of St Paul looking down at the traffic and people walking on the street- we could have spent a whole day just watching him squat down and point and yell at the people on the street (good thing they couldnt hear him!). Grandma and Momma both forgot their cameras but luckily Grandma's phone has a good camera built in! Thanks again for a great day Grandma!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random Post

Everyone else is posting randomness, so here you go! We celebrated Valentine's Day with Scott's folks and Uncle Eric at Famous Daves for a lovely dinner that Sam really got into- especially the corn! Thank you! Most of our time was spent doing laundry and dishes this weekend it feels, but it feels good to have things tidy... Uncle Milly (Matt) came over today to watch the Daytona 500 and help finish the door frame from our project, looks like another night or two and that will be mostly done and then Momma can paint (part of the deal of getting Daddy to sign on for a project he wasn't sold on in the moment...) so if there are any volunteers to come for a painting party, let me know!! Sam was his usual Hammy self- he's such a fun little boy! Hope you had a great weekend too!

Post dinner bonding with Uncle Eric...Sam is stuffed!

Da's attempt at a self-portrait with Sam

Momma's attempt at a self-portrait with Sam

I LOVE strawberries! He even holds them by the stem and usually doesn't eat the stem!

I also love corn...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday project...

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit Sam (and have Chinese) today on their day off and they got a little more than they bargained for! We have been talking for quite a while about knocking a hole in the living room wall to connect to the kitchen by the door to the time like the present huh?! Scott didn't believe me that I really wanted to start this today until I waked into the kitchen with screwdriver to take the trim off of the wall. After some electric/wiring snafu's it went pretty smoothly and really opened the place up! Sam and Hunter will have hours of fun playing chase! Thanks to Scott and my folks for helping this happen today!!!

What's in there?

That doesn't look safe Da!

Is that sharp?

What if I push here?

I can still reach it!!

Done for the day- Scott's buddy Matt will help finish this next weekend.

Forgot to take before pictures, but it opens now where the Christmas tree was...Awesome!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Explanation of the milk shower

Sam wanted to drink from my glass so when I finished I let him have it and his daddy was filling it from Sam's sippy cup which he thought was hilarious. We do have smaller glasses to use, but his sip and "ahh" was cracking us up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Milk Shower

Sam was being such a goof at dinner last night, we had to document it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Trouble Trouble Trouble!!!!

Little Linus (from the Peanut's cartoon; with the little blue blanket...)

Watching the big-game with 'Uncle' Milly

The 'Sam-sized' snow-man at the Millins' house (Super-Bowl Sunday)