Monday, October 27, 2008

Here kitty kitty

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend projects

Sam is checking the structural integrity of the cupboard before the project begins...

You want this one here, right (Dad was in the garage at this point...)
You wanted both of these here...I saw Dad's blueprints...
Making the men of the family proud with his Plumber's Butt
Did you measure twice, cut once Dad?

Dad's all pooped from painting- Hunter too!

Inga's worn out too

You guessed it, Sam's tuckered out too

Auntie Mara, didn't I used to fit in here? It must have shrunk!!!

We had a couple of big (for us) weekend projects: Sam and Scott made a built in garbage drawer/cupboard in the kitchen to help save space- still getting used to where the garbage is though! We had gotten tired of shooing the dog and the little monster out of the garbage- they were working in cahoots (is that really a word?) together to get into the garbage.

Also the grandparents Aho came over and helped us paint the living room and hall- a much needed project, as Daddy was very tired of the baby-blue living room. Trouble is now we want new blinds and a new front door...all in good time...they are still quite functional, so it's hard to justify! Thanks again to Roger and Diane for their painting prowess! We have plenty of rooms left if anyone else wants to prove to us how good they are at painting- though we'd be glad to hire Roger and Diane back next time we get the itch to paint!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Some weekend pics

Monday, October 6, 2008

The ranks of the wounded Noses...

Cousin Erik

Grampa Bacon..

Must run in the family...
There was also a similar injury for little Jackson Stokes (Sally's Sister's Nephew- Mikes twin Sister Michelle's son...) but I wasn't able to copy that picture from their blog...Looks like they've all healed nicely, so there's hope for Sam!! I do notice that Grampa Bacon doesn't look as happy with the situation as the younger generation...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

More weekend in review

This pumpkin is as big as my head! Thanks Gatfly and Grampa Bacon!

Yup, it's ALL mine! Wanna make somethin' of it?

Family pile on Da!

Go Packers- Sam's too young to understand the bitter sting of defeat- he just get's really excited at any cheering, and clapping...that's why he loves Wheel of Fortune...they clap a lot...

Bye bye until next time!

Forgot to post these on the last entry...

The weekend in review...

Taking in the sunshine with Grandpa Roger

Before Sam's run-in with the driveway...

Joining the ranks of those before him with facial injuries of the nosel variety...

This is how crabby Sam felt on Friday with his cold...

Me 'n' my Da

I am Super Pumpkin Oscar the Grouch guy...yeah...

I can reach the handles if you get the gas!

Uncle Eric lets me drive! Also note the brown blur to the left...

Kisses for Grandma Diane!

Sam is on the mend from his cold- and his newest toddler wound...he took a nose-dive on the driveway the other evening and skinned his nose. Good fun for having to wipe away boogies too...

On the upside, we got to spend lots of family time- we went to Grandma Diane's and saw her and Grandpa Roger, Great Grandma Ele and Uncle Eric. Then on Sunday Grandma and Grandpa Bacon came to visit and have some chili and watch the Packers (and Brewers) lose. Right now he is evading naptime...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A few things...

Happy Birthday Auntie Mara!!!!
Sam sends you lots of hugs and slobbery, snotty kisses- poor little dude has a head cold and will be spending Friday with Momma...(day care lady has a snot aversion...)
Despite not feeling well he was in fairly good spirits this evening- he was fascinated with the humidifier I put out for him- no pictures because I was too busy defending it so he didn't knock it over. He kept leaning over it and burying his face in the cool mist...
He was also trying to dump his toys out of his bin and the bin won...

What kind of a nut lives in such a large shell? (Austin Powers reference...)