Monday, January 26, 2009

Big-boy Haircut and Tantrums...

Sam let us give him an actual with-the-clippers haircut...only required him standing on his stool looking in the mirror, playing with water and bubbles and toys in the sink and Momma and Daddy singing and taking turns clipping. The tantrum pictures are from a few days ago...someone is learning how to express his anger...

Not sure what the facial expression is about, but note the no-longer-luscious-locks.

See how many top-teeth I have!

Feel my anger...

I don't know what to do with all this mad...

Tantrums tire all of us out!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


New pictures

Sam's first snow-mobile ride with his Da! He LOVED it!!

(Insert your own caption here...)

Reworking the family budget...

Bills make me drink too...

Friday, January 9, 2009

My little Spider

My guess is that day-care has been working on this- he cracked us up tonight!
If you've got the time/patience both videos are pretty funny- sorry it's grainy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Nephew!!!

My sister Mara and her husband Mike welcomed Rohan Alexander Syring to their family early this morning (2:01am). He's a little fellow at 5 pounds 10 ounces (Scott was close to guessing the right weight at 5 pounds 8 ounces). I think he looks just like a certain sister of mine- I borrowed this picture from their blog, as we haven't made it down to Missouri yet. Believe me when I say I REALLY wanted to drive down there Saturday evening when they called, but bad weather was blowing in and we were at my folks celebrating Christmas with them (post to follow) and didn't think it was fair to Sam to do a one-day-round-trip to Missouri.....

Can't wait to see you guys soon though!!! Hugs to Rohan!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


We were having way too much fun to post, sorry! We still have one more Christmas to go at the farm with Grandma and Grampa Bacon. Busy times over the holidays: Christmas Eve we spent at home with our little family: Doing a Christmas duet with Da

Strange, strange little boy- he wandered around all proud of himself for putting together this outfit of the monkey ears headband and an oven mit...and found the same 'outfit' the next day and did the same thing...who knows...

Yes, I can sit on my butt on this bench, but I would MUCH rather stand...

Get it out Da!!! Seriously I don't know who they're protecting these toys from.

Here Da, use my saw to cut it out...

Christmas Day at the Grandma Diane and Grandpa Roger's house with Uncle Eric too. Grandma Diane had her knee replaced on Dec 22nd, so we had a nice low-key day, Sam was entertainment! Grandma and Grandpa gave him a battery powered ride-on four wheeler that there is video of, but no pictures in our camera- will post later.

Let's get down and try it out Uncle Eric (remote control truck!)

This must be for me...
Oh boy, a Cabertiller!

Friday in Amery with Great Grandma Ele (Diane's mom) with all the cousins!

Not touching the pretties...
Okay, you busted me, I'm touching the pretties...they're just so tempting!!
He is the picture of concentration

And Saturday in Superior with Great Grandma Ellie (Roger's mom). Sam now has more toys and books than he knows what to do with, and let me tell you, he was burnt out by the end of the weekend. He capped off the busy weekend with a bummer of a head bonk in Superior against the side of the big old wooden console TV...naked...poor little dude- I had let him run around in the buff after I changed his diaper nd he tripped and landed square into the side of the TV, arms at his sides, not bracing at all. No blood thank goodness (Ellie has white carpet...) but he is sporting a rainbow bruise on his forehead...not the first, not the last I'm sure.

Loving Great Grandma Ellie- he almost weighs as much as she does!
Four generations of Aho's. The whole family together!
For some reason everyone is smiling a little better in this picture...
The flying tigers- each year Uncle Paul gets the cousins some crazy thing like this- they have elastic in their arms and make a roaring noise when they hit the floor (or their intended target). Sam thought this was a great idea and has since been applying it to many of his toys...thanks Uncle Paul!

The pretties just about biffed it here...