Saturday, October 31, 2009


Baby Ryan James Aho was born on October 29th at 7 pm! He was due November 15th but was ready to come! We didn't quite make it to Woodbury Minnesota where we were set to deliver, so had him in Hudson- got to the ER at 6:48, so just in the nick of time! He weighed in at 7 pounds even and is 20 inches long. He was down to 6 pounds 10 ounces early this morning though they tell us that's good...seems so small (bigger than his cousin Rohan though!). We came home this afternoon and have been settling in nicely. Sam had spent the last couple nights at Grandma and Grandpa Aho's house and came home (asleep) this afternoon and has been doing really well as big brother so far. We even braved the weather and took the boys trick-or-treating two neighbors houses. More to come later but here's a start to the pictures...

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Sam has had a SUPER busy weekend! He spent the night at Grandma and Boppa Aho's on Friday night so Momma and Daddy could go out for our anniversary, sleep in the next day and practice having Sam away from us for a little while when the baby comes. He did awesome and his grandparents seemed to survive too! Unfortunately he's got a cold right now, but still managed to be in really good spirits most of the weekend.

Sunday Boppa and Gatfly came up for the day and helped with a few things around the large belly has impeded my cleaning of the bathtub, so Gatfly gave it the scrubbing of a lifetime- I didn't remember that it was supposed to be shiny... :o) And Boppa helped Daddy with a couple of projects too while Sam focused on being cute. Boppa Aho also stopped by with his buddy Wally so we got a shot of him and Sam with his workbench in the garage too. Daddy attached a small bench to the wall of the garage for Sam which has been a source of endless enthusiasm and pounding for Sam. And we got to watch the Packers win, so it was a pretty good weekend overall!

Gatfly and Daddy doing the dishes- thanks for your help!

Boppa and Sam watching the John Deere video Sam keeps asking for from the library.

You hold it Boppa!

Concentration- he comes by the tongue thing from both sides of the family...

I love my bench!

Good job Gatfly!

Hey Ma, you missed a spot!

Busy bees!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Three Years!

Happy Anniversary Honey!!! Just think how much has changed these last three years!!

Our trip to Door County before we got married.

This day three years ago.

Our Family

The beautiful flowers that my loving husband had delivered to me at work!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend travels (and some random stuff)

He wanted his picture taken with the cows "I just stand here and you take my picture!"
The back-hoe turned out to be a good distraction while Boppa, Roger and Daddy got a few loose heifers back in the lot- the cows got out!
Hugs for Great Uncle Rog!
You want me to test the fence?
I drive Boppa!
Two out of three...
The photo turned out a little dark...
Old Boppa's doing really well! Momma's looking more pregnant...
The small broom and dust-pan were almost as coveted as the semi and trailer toy!
I'll just help feed baby Rohan!
As Mike/Mara would say, Bacon Grandparents and 2/3.5 of their grandkids...
Strong finish on a cold friggin' walk!
Sharing secrets with Daddy
Playing chase with Eric, Cosmo and Emma (Eric's pug)
Kisses for Great Grandma Ele
Go Packers!!!!!!!!
Proud Boppa with his home-grown Pumpkins

I like this one Boppa!