Sam and I had an AWESOME time in Iowa/Missouri!!! It was so nice to spend some time with Sam's Aunties and Uncles and to meet his new little cousin Thomas! And the food was wonderful- got some new recipes to try out on Scott (he doesn't know that yet...)
The ride back was a little white-knuckle at times, but we made it and now that we know it can be done, we may do it again someday- with Daddy along too though! It was nice to get back to Daddy- and he missed us too! And Sam was such a good boy for his Gramma Diane today- no pictures of you'll have to take my word. Overall no-one could believe how much Sam talks- well, jabbers is a better word...and how strong he is, and how smiley- he's mostly a happy boy! Thanks to all for your hospitality and to Sam's Grandmas for helping watch him while our Day-Care gal was on vacation (she went to Vegas from last Thursday thru today). So tomorrow is back to 'normal' for Sam. Hope to see you all again soon!