Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reunion & Weekend at the Farm

So to add insult to the injury of turning 28...my ten year high school reunion was this weekend. Out of almost 90 people we had close to thirty show up- the rest of you are chickens. Gatfly and Grampa graciously agreed to watch Sam and we took advantage and stayed out until midnight...my usual bedtime is nine, so yes, I'm still paying for that. Sounds like Sam had a blast (including a half-hour bath) and we had a good time too- it was fun to reconnect with Kari and compare preggo notes with Mel and see the other folks too. Sam enjoyed the farm even though the weather did not cooperate he got to see the cows and the tractors and Rog and the barn and the silos and the kitties and the cows and what's that? As Grandma and Grandpa Aho had noted "what's that?" is his favorite question!! Roger and my grandparents joined us for a Birthday lunch on Sunday before we headed back, and Sam was exhausted and lasted about five minutes in the car before he passed out and slept most of the way. Speaking of sleep, he's been a bit spotty with sleeping through the night...so this evening we took the front rail of the crib off in the hopes that if he wakes up he'll just crawl in with us rather than wake us up...good parenting, right? I call it survival- Momma's tired!!! We'll keep you posted on how that goes...

There were five of us in our class that are pregnant (and at least two of the guys wives too).

Sam demanded to travel in style requesting his daddy's hat and sunglasses.

Sam thought Gatfly's guinea pig Nutmeg needed a change of scenery...


This is actually the first time Sam got his head stuck somewhere- usually it's too big!

Hmm...what kind of trouble is there to get into?

What's that?

What's that?

Sam is very fast with that cheesy smile...

What's that Rog?

One tired boy with his new cow.

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

I'm surprised he lasted that long on the way home - he was running in high gear for at least half an hour before you headed out!
We REALLY enjoyed your visit - can't wait until next time!!
Cute pic from the reunion - who's who?