Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's a....!!

We had the 20-week ultrasound today and baby was not the most cooperative- the Ultrasound Tech spent most of the hour trying to get baby to move so she could get better views of the heart and brain and spine- baby DID NOT want to move! Baby was however rather forth-coming with the view between the legs and was not shy about showing his male parts! Another boy! We are so excited and know that Sam will be an awesome big brother! We weren't able to record the ultrasound but got a few pictures:

Here he's chewing on his fingers.

More finger-chewing...

It's a boy!

Snuggled in with his surroundings.

When the Ultrasound Tech looked at this one she said it looked like he was gnawing on my uterus...I liked my co-worker's comment of it looked like he was kissing me better... :o)

Sam seems to be doing OK with all of this so far, but we'll see!


Gatfly said...

Here at the farm we are 'freakin' excited' about A-2! Can't think of him as 'Felix' this time.

Michelle Stokes said...


Mary Mathwig said...

Looks like another winner!!!Keep him and yourself healthy and we'll be waiting for him with open arms in November.