Sunday, June 14, 2009

Busy weekend!

We crammed almost as much as we could into this weekend- our first at home in a while. Baldwin's festival "June Bug Days" was going on this weekend so Friday night we headed downtown (about four blocks so we walked) to the tractor pull and met up with Kristin Jimmy and Jayvid- Jayvid is one day older than Sam and we met his folks at birthing class and then again at the hospital and have kept in occasional contact to compare notes. The boys had a blast and Kristin got a few pictures, so I'll wait to get those posted. It does confirm that Sam is a monster, but we'll see official stats sometime in July. Saturday we took Inga to the vet for shots, got some vegetables for our garden, ran to Walmart and then spent the afternoon outside planting and enjoying the beautiful weather. Saturday evening was fireworks so we headed back to the festival and watched some softball and it's amazing Sam didn't pick up any colorful language standing by the dugout. It started to get late and Momma was tired so we headed back home and watched the fireworks from our yard which was awesome. Sunday my folks came up and delivered Sam's early Birthday present- a sand-box and all the trimmings! So we spent the majority of the day outside and covered in sand. Awesome!! Now tonight Scott is headed to my folks as he has a meeting in Fondulac tomorrow morning.
And I forgot to post on the sleep issue...mostly because last week stunk. He was up at least once a night every night but we wore him out sufficiently the last two nights that he slept through in his own room- I say room because he has ended up on the floor both nights...whatever works for him!!

Open wide!! Sam's like root beer floats!

Sam LOVES the sand box! But this outfit kills me- this will be filed away and used when Sam brings his first girlfriend home...the rubber boots and no pants make the outfit...and the hat that's too small...

You can tell even Sam is embarrassed at this point...

Whatcha doin' Da?

Thanks so much for the sand box Boppa and Gatfly!!

1 comment:

Joshua Bacon said...

Cousin Thomas hopes Sam figures out how to get sand into every crack and crevice possible (Thomas may be able to give some pointers on this if needed!!).