Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Da!

Happy Father's Day the father of my children. Thank you for all you do and for being such a great "Da" to Sam and his soon-to-be sibling! Love you!!!

You helped me enjoy one of my first boat rides.

You took me on my first snow-mobile ride.

Got me all cleaned up after my first Birthday cake.

Gave me my first lessons on football.

Getting to know you...

Letting me cry it out...(something we practice now at bedtime too...)

Helping with my first bath- and many since then!

We love you Da!!
Sally, Sam and baby too!


Gatfly said...

Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday!
Loved seeing the pics of baby Sam again - looking forward to A-2's arrival!
Love you all!!!

Diane Aho said...

I am so proud of the father you have become Scott. How sweet this post was. Thank you for sharing.