Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So much to be Thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving! What? I'm on maternity leave...time moves differently! We have even more to be thankful for this year with our newly expanded family. We had Thanksgiving at Great Grandma Palmberg's and were also fortunate to have Great Grandma Aho along with Myrna and Rita there as well! It's been wonderful to be able to spend time with family and we're looking forward to Christmas too!

Kisses for baby Ryan.

Cuddles with Great Grandma Aho

Four Generations of the Aho family

Auntie Myrna and cousin Rita

Meeting cousin Sadie

Meeting Aunt Debbie

Cuddles with Great Grandma Palmberg

Uncle Eric walking Sam on the ceiling..."more!"..."no, he just ate!!"

Meeting cousin Hannah

Daddy and Ryan relaxing after a big meal- I told you I'd post it with your tongue sticking out. Hopefully that teaches you. :o)

And somehow I didn't get a picture of Scott's other Aunt Debbie with Ryan...sorry!

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