Friday, December 18, 2009

Seven Weeks!

No excuses, just haven't posted lately! Ryan is seven weeks old today!! It's almost Christmas, Josh and Debora and Thomas are almost here and then I'll go back to work before New Years.

Pucker-up little brother! me...

Deep in thought.

Ryan's first bottle, Sam feeding Bear.

Roly Poly!


Two of my babies snuggled in...yes, Inga is feeling neglected these days.

Nice to see you again! Stephanie is our Midwife who made it just in time to Hudson.



Gatfly said...

Who is that pudgy little fellow, and what have you done with our Ryan??? :)
Can't wait to see you on Monday!!

Michelle Stokes said...

I love the tandem feeding with you and Ryan and Sam and his bear.

Mara Bacon Syring said...

Ryan's cheeks look very kissable:)
Love all the pic's of the boys! They are both growing like weeds. Can't wait to see them with Thomas.