Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visit to the farm

Newest farmhand...

Peek-a-boo Boppa!

Choke up...

Getting tuckered out...

Checking on the cows.

Forward march Grandma!

Horsie Grandma!

Did you look both ways Grandma!

No hands!


Now they're checking HIM out.

Have a rock cow!

Sam Elyse and Erik playing while the other grow-ups help my Aunt Mary move.

Old Boppa with a lap-ful of great grandsons.

Thanks for the new toy Thomas!

Giraffe outside the petting zoo...had to reach up and say hello because there were no giraffe's IN the zoo...

Hi deer! He did get brave enough to touch her, but that's on Grandma's camera.

I touch the camel?

Boppa's braver.

Hi camel!


Hi turtle!!

Wood-chucks hiding in the log...

Yee haw Da!

1 comment:

Me said...

Awesome picture of Sam & Holly!