Friday, July 10, 2009

Sam's Birthday Weekend

So July 5th Sam turned 2!!!!! We Birthday'd him over in Algoma- a BIG thank-you to the Aho grandparents for hosting such a fun time! We're still working on getting the videos uploaded (I'm not as tech savvy as some of the other bloggers out there!) but here are some pictures of the fun.

I'm two! (if you ask him though he'll say three or four...)

Helping decorate with candles.

Showing restraint...


Yummm! Going for two fistfuls!


THree generations of Aho's studying the directions...

Ooh paper!

Hey there's cars on this card!

Read me a story Granny! (It's rare to catch him without a cheesy grin...)

We found another fun playground to visit in Algoma and Sam had a blast!

What kind of a fish lives in such a large bowl...

Go 'round dad!

Blast off!

Sam's co-pilot...


Me said...

I'd like to see the credentials of Sam's co-pilot...she looks a little shifty...:)

Mary Mathwig said...

Every "body" is looking good!