Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A BIG Thank you to everyone for making Ryan's Baptism day so special! It was wonderful to have Josh & Debora as sponsors/Godparents for Ryan (all the way from Germany) and all sorts of aunts and uncles and cousins! Roger & Diane and Eric were wonderful hosts for the luncheon following the Baptism- even if it was icky sticky hot out! The lasagna was awesome- we've been enjoying it this week too!
Ryan couldn't have been more precious during the Baptism- sucked his thumb the whole time and looked up at the pastor like 'why are you washing my hair in church?'
His brother on the other hand was full of spunk...travelling quietly (mostly) around the church, back and forth across the aisle to his grandparents and uncles and aunt. Thomas got in on some of the fun too and they demolished Ryan's stash of stale cheerios...Oh, and Ryan got his first tooth this last Friday! I'll have to get a picture of it...Hopefully I get this posted before the power goes out- we're having some big thunderstorms- at least the humidity is cut!
Thanks again to all our family- you're the best!


Gatfly said...

We were honored to be there for Ryan's day! You and Scott are such wonderful parents - your little boys are truly lucky!
Thanks for the wonderful hospitality at Hotel Aho, too! Great food and accomodations!

Mary Mathwig said...

Cute boys (all three), spectacular cake and Sally, you looked really great too!!! Wish I had been able to be there. Auntie M