Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where does the time go?!

I lost a month here! Ryan is now five months old, eating rice cereal, bananas and most recently plain yogurt (not too impressed yet with the last one) and groing like a weed...a cute, pudgy weed...and his big brother is growing too- grew right out of his shoes (and pants and shirts...). Scott is keeping busy teaching Hunter's Safety on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I've been busy keeping up with running noses (and work...). Here is a hodge podge of pictures from the last month- had to post them quick before our family gatherings for Easter- Friday we'll be in Albert Lea visiting with Mara and Rohan (she's going to Kirksville for a test and will meet us part way) and Boppa and Gatfly. And then Sunday will be Easter with the Palmberg clan. Sorry for the delay in pictures!


Mary Mathwig said...

Because the boys look so much alike, its rather like looking at mixed up time lapsed photography. Won't summer be fun? Auntie M

Gatfly said...

Gotta love those boys - this weekend was wonderful!~All around! ;)

Michelle Stokes said...

Where did the month go? It's gone to the black hole of "parenting". I'm convinced such a space exists and it consumes time at a faster rate year after year :)