Monday, November 9, 2009

A week (+) in review

Attempt at a family portrait with the timer...

I hold the baby daddy!


Hmm...contemplating life...

Mom...horizontal stripes are so not slimming...


Daddy's boys!


My little lambs!


Great Grandma Ele stopped by with Debbie, Darren and Derek on their way to the Packer Party (the other picture with all of them didn't turn out...)

Daddy's hands look so big!

Shh baby!

Daddy's helper- he got a little rake and was helping...

It's hard to believe that we've been home for over a week- it's been a blur so far. Sam seems to be adjusting pretty well most of the time- has his moments but then again he's sneaking on 2 1/2 so it's to be expected. It's helped that he goes to day-care (we have to pay to save a spot for Ryan, so he might as well go and have "normal" time). Ryan has been doing really well too, sleeping pretty good at night though he likes to cluster-feed which can be a bit tiring at times. Mom's doing pretty good- feeling much better for the most part than I did with Sam! And Daddy has been awesome with the boys!!! Momma loves all her boys!

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