Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Farm visit

Dad and Sam cleaning up the parlor

Open that gate!

Over there Gatfly!

Plowing the grass clippings...

Checking the hitch

Dumper Truck!

Sam and Baby and the calf...


Gatfly said...

He's quite the little Farmer Sam!
We so enjoyed having him (and you, two, also!) here for the weekend!! Wish we had video of him singing Happy Birthday to Boppa!

Cari said...

Love the hat. :) --Great pics; thanks for sharing!

Michelle Stokes said...

I love his hat! He's getting so big...just in time for a nother little one!

Mary Mathwig said...

Those were wonderful pictures. I especially liked the walking with Gatfly shot and "making hay" in Uncle Roger's front lawn. Terrific!