Sunday, May 24, 2009

Leslie's Wedding & Crystal Cave

Saturday we had Sam's Great Uncle Roger with us; he was in town for cousin Leslie's wedding Saturday evening which was held at an indoor park in Woodbury and was beautiful! I don't have more pictures of the ceremony as I was taking pics with Andrea's camera, so watch her blog for those...The Bride was lovely and it's always nice to spend time with family...Auntie Linda and Sam's 'honorary Auntie' Stephanie, Aunt Alice and Sara and Hailey, John and Marina and Roger all made it over while my folks held down the fort at the farm. Sam did pretty well for the first five minutes of the wedding...then required some chasing by his Daddy...there were lots of little ones there, so it was funny to see them being carried out of the amphitheater at different times...Sam LOVED running around the different paths in the indoor park and charming his Aunties and Uncles. Roger spent the night with us in the "mother-in-law suite" in the basement and took off this morning with Sam waving and blowing kisses at him through the door.

Then this morning John and Marina called and invited us to go to the Crystal Cave in Spring Valley with them- I've been bugging Scott for years to take me there, so Sam and I went along. Good thing Daddy had him put his boots on because it was wet and dirty in there! Sam did fairly well considering it was an hour long tour and I was grateful to have more arms to pass him off to when he got restless. And Auntie Marina won Sam's heart by getting him a little turtle in the gift shop- he has a thing for the lawn ornament turtles in our yard and insists on carrying them around and having them "talk" to each other...he's got imagination! It was great to see everyone and now we just have to figure out what to do with our extra day off...I'm sure we'll manage something!

Come on Rog!!


He was calling out for "Rog" during the wedding...why won't he play with me?!

Losing interest...

The Blushing Bride!

Sisters after the wedding. (I forgot to get a shot of the newly-wed-couple...)

Maybe the first shot was better...

Woodgywoodgywoo Wyatt!

Now that's a well-trained bride; always look at the camera!

Sam found a bench outside the Crystal Cave.

Panning for Gems.

Uncle John Helps look for gems.

Photo-opp area after the cave tour.

Figured out the timer on the camera for a group shot.

He brought the Ham and the Cheese...

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Love the pictures! I am running some off for the farm! Roger couldn't stop talking about Sam this morning....